Socio-Economic and Development Studies
CGDR conducts socio-economic studies of vital importance to capture the development trend and current state of social life and economic condition across population groups and geographical space. It includes areas such as income generation and distribution; growth across sectors; public policy; housing; sanitation; water availability; environment and pollution; gender issues in employment, safety, household violence, empowerment; labour condition cross sectors and professions; women and child development; crime, drug addiction and violence; and governance issue in administration and private sector. These studies can be based on primary data or secondary data or both
Year : 2011
Sector : Urban Development
Title : Socio-Economic Analysis of Slums in Delhi and Strategies of Rehabilitation
Year : 2008
Sector : Micro Finance
Title : Role of Institution and Policies for performance of Self Help Group (SHG) in Uttrakhand State