Data and Analytical Products
CGDR compiles and adds value to the large volume of granular and aggregate data on macroeconomic and microeconomic variables including demography, technology, population, production, consumption, investment, prices obtained from official sources such as census, annual surveys of industries, agriculture, enterprises, consumption, employment and unemployment, family health, animal husbandry, flora and fauna etc. by statistical departments of various ministries as also private surveys to produce useful insights about socio-economic distribution of population and demographic dividend across administrative units of the country covering districts, sub-divisions, blocks, villages, and wards. We analyse rural-urban divide; pattern of industrialisation; infrastructure; production; implied consumer behaviour and market segments; and spatial distribution of potential customers. Such documents can be potentially useful for both governments and private sector business in terms of policy making, program monitoring, business decisions, and market penetration. Current emphasis is limited to Indian economy but it would be expanded to other countries also.
Year : 2020
Sector : Legal
Title : Intensity of Legal Persons across Indian States
Year : 2018
Sector : Input-Output Analysis
Title : Input-Output Table 1998-99
Year : 2018
Sector : Input-Output Analysis
Title : Input-Output Table 1993-94