CGDR believes in dissemination of knowledge as far as possible. Accordingly it tries to put its unclassified reports in public domain. Along with its own reports, CGDR also attempts to review other important reports on development issues and provide URL links for such reports. However, to download its reports it is required to register and provide certain information for feedback and provides has global mandate to bring in focus the case studies of best practices in development, governance, public interventions, and research methodologies. CGDR believes that diffusion and sharing of knowledge has been the primary driver of development. The faster knowledge is shared among world community, the faster is the development process, which in turn creates a virtuous cycle. CGDR invites such innovators to share their experience by hoisting its details.
Year : 2020
Sector : Defence
Title : Defence Preparedness of India
Year : 2020
Sector : Law and Justice
Title : Labour Reform
Year : 2018
Sector : Legal
Title : Intensity of Legal Persons across Indian States
Year : 2013
Sector : Urban Development
Title : Crime Indicators of Delhi
Year : 2013
Sector : Environment
Title : Cleaning Ganga: Namami Gange
Year : 2011
Sector : Urban Housing
Title : Socio-Economic Analysis of Slums in Delhi and Strategies of Rehabilitation